Friday, January 25, 2013

      When it comes to wine, I have had very little experience drinking this classy, educated beverage. Many of my few experiences with wine have been drinking classy Andre bottles you can find at any local grocery store. I have had a casual glass of Chandon with my mother on numerous occasions as well. Overall, I would like to gain more knowledge about wine and good wines to consume in the future.
      From the white wines I have tasted, I enjoyed drinking Chardonnay, Riesling, and Moscato. For red wines, I enjoyed Merlot. I actually really enjoy drinking wine and I love the buzz I eventually gain after a couple glasses. I also have noticed that wine gets you drunk much faster than your typical case of natural lite beer. However, I've also experienced hangovers from wine and I would have to say , by far, that they are the worst.
      I've visited wineries before and have been astonished by all the barrels and tools they have to mature and store the wine. I've always wanted to learn more about wine and how it goes from a grape to being produced and matured. From this class, I hope to learn this process thoroughly and I hope to learn about how to appreciate wine in general. It's one thing to go to a store and pick out a wine that you think is good based off a nice bottle label. It's another thing to actually go to the store a pick a wine based on knowledge of the various grapes, seasons, and years which produced good varieties of wine. 
         Another reason I have had a penchant for wine is because I am getting older and I want to become a classier person. I want to be able to take a woman out on a date and impress her with a good wine selection and have something fancy to say about it. I also feel that having knowledge about wine can make for good conversation. Overall, I hope to gain vast knowledge about wine and how to appreciate it to its full potential.

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