Sunday, March 31, 2013

Dinner - Home cooked meal (steak w/ red wines)

Dinner- 16 oz. bourbon flavored steak w/ red wines

I suppose it is a tradition that a good steak meal is accompanied with a good bottle of red wine. My friends and I decided that we would like to see how true this tradition is. We each whipped up 16 ounce bourbon flavored steaks and bought countless bottles of wine. We even added a little hot sauce to the steak to give it a little kick.                                                                       

Above is a picture of the 16 ounce bourbon flavored steak with a bottle of red wine. Before taking my first bite of the steak, I tried the Maipe Malbec red wine shown in the video above. It put good flavors in my mouth and made the steak taste a little better when all the flavors clashed.

Some of the other wines consumed during this meal were: Garnacha de Fuego (2011) from Spain and Tinto Figario Calatayud (2009) from the Spain region as well. These spanish wines came from the regions of Argon and Calatayud respectively. I really enjoyed all these red wines present at the meal and I feel like the charcoal/grill flavor of the steak was amplified by drinking these delicious red wines. All of these wine bottles were very strong containing 14.5% alcohol each. Not counting the high alcohol content, I'm a new fan of these Spanish wines just become of the nice kick that they have and how they seem to go well with a lot meaty foods. My favorite of all was the Tinto Figaro from Catalyud. I just thought it tasted good and made the steak taste that much better.

As shown above, the meal was delicious. After drinking red wine with steak, I don't know if I ever want to eat steak again and not have red wine present. If not the first, I will gladly confirm the urban legend about red wines being awesome with steak meals.Below is a picture of my friends and I getting ready to engage in one of the best steak meals I've ever had.

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