Sunday, February 10, 2013

Tasting - "Fish Eye Pinot Grigio"

Name: Fish Eye Pinot Grigio
Variety: Pinot Noir (13%) and Pinot Grigio (87%)
Region: Ripon, California
Country: USA
Year: 2012
Price: $5

Winery review: I first enjoyed the Fish Eye Pinot Grigio in 2009 with my fellow wine bloggers at our annual conference (and wrote about that experience here). It was a humbling moment for many of us, who were a bit sniffy about the wine based on the cute label, its availability in large-format bottles and boxes, and because it was Pinot Grigio. There is a lot (and I do mean a lot) of terrible, cheap Pinot Grigio out there. So much of it, in fact, that I've stopped ordering it in restaurants.

So it is with great pleasure that I report that the 2011 Fish Eye Pinot Grigio still has a suggested retail price of $7 (though you can find it in the market for prices between $5 and $10), it is still delicious, it is still widely available throughout the country, and it is still excellent QPR. Expect zesty, pure lemon and lime aromas and to have those scents echo through the flavors. You might detect a nice peachy note as you sip, which takes off some of the bitterness that can be associated with Pinot Grigio.

This is a versatile, food-friendly wine that is light enough to pair with vegetables and salads at a weekend lunch, will be a great companion to asparagus and lemon pasta as you work your way into your spring recipes, and will be welcome at summer barbeques so if you see some on the shelf give it a try. - (February 23, 2012 by Dr. Debs)

My review: I enjoyed this wine and thought it had some really good flavor to it. It had a general tropical fruit taste and a hint of banana. Being a big fan of bananas, I really liked this extra touch. I would definitely drink this again and would want to try this with Asian style food.

I tasted this on its own with no food.

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